­­­­­­­­­­­­­Smartatletic Sports Club Association, with registered office in Bucharest, 1st District, 1 Hagi Maria Moscu St. sole registration code 18434045, identification no. in the Sports Register B/A2/00017/2005, registered in the Special Register of Associations and Foundations, at the 2nd District Court Registry, no. 159/22.12.2004, legal representative STOICA VLAD-CONSTANTIN, as Chairman.


2BE GROUP SRL, social enterprise – certificate PH/A 0025/2020, with registered office in Campina, 88 Grivitei St., e-mail:, J29/1669/2020, CIF [Tax Identification Code] RO43075210, IBAN RO28RZBR0000060022060211 – Raiffeisen Bank, Campina, legally represented by ANTOHE BOGDAN – Director


SKYTOWER BUILDING SRL, with registered office in Bucharest, 1st District, 246C Calea Floreasca, Room P1, 1st District, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/19701/2008, CUI [Sole Registration Code]RO24781189 and account no. RO 58 RZBR 0000 0600 1120 2849 opened with Raiffeisen Bank, phone 031.711.4037, e-mail, by legal representative Leo Forstner – Director,

for the benefit of

  • Climb Again 
  • Mia’s Children
  • SOS Satele Copiilor
  • Autism Voice


II.1. DATE OF EVENT: November 9th, 2024

II.2. PLACE OF EVENT: Bucharest, Sky Tower, 246C Calea Floreasca, (entrance through Barbu Vacarescu Blvd., near Promenada Mall)


II.4. TYPE OF COMPETITION: tower running – stairs running competition, from the ground floor of SkyTower to the 31st floor, according to the mechanism described in Section IV.


All funds raised from participation fees and, if applicable, donations/sponsorships, will be directed to the four NGOs – social causes:

  • Climb Again 
  • Mia’s Children
  • SOS Satele Copiilor
  • Autism Voice

When registering, every participant will choose one of the NGO to which he/she wants to redirect the participation fee, as donation.


IV.1. The competition will take place, according to the schedule displayed on the official website, in the SkyTower building, and is open to anyone aged between 14 and 70, who signs up online and goes through all validation procedures. For kids aged between 7-13 it’s available the FunSkyRun noncompetitive section, where they can register and run together with a parent.


IV.2.1. In order to participate to SkyRun, competitors should be at least 18, and maximum 70 years old, and cumulatively fulfil the following validation procedures:

  1. sign-up online on the official website, by filling in the registration form with personal details (surname and first name, gender, age reached on the date of the event, phone, e-mail, city, company) and other reference data;
  2. pay the participation fee corresponding to the period during which they registered, within 2 business days (48 hours); otherwise, the online registration shall be cancelled;
  3. to fill in the affidavit provided by the organizers, declaring that they are fit for sustained physical effort, know and assume any risks of this type of running, and that they understand the fact that the organizers are not liable in any way for any of the situations referred to in point IV. 6.10, of the Regulations, and in general for any event or action of participants or third parties that could harm in any way any of the competitors;
  4. show up within the period set by the organizers to take over the competition kit, with the affidavit filled in and an identity document;
  5. show up at the start on the day of the competition and take the start at the exact time (which will be provided by the organizer).
  6. By registering online, participants agree to appear with their name, competition category (by gender and age), city, competition number in the official list of participants, and in the list/ranking of people who have completed the race (with the corresponding time), on the official website.

IV.2.2. Registrations will be limited. The maximum number of places at this event is 700, and organizers can introduce thresholds for each period/sub-periods. The last day to sign up (subject to available places) is Saturday, November 1st, 2024. 

IV.2.3. Competitors who have registered, paid the participation fee and received validation of their registration may withdraw from the competition, but the participation fee cannot be refunded.

IV.2.4. The place(s) is not/are transferable. 

IV.2.5. Competitors are required to comply with the terms and conditions of these Regulations, the acceptance thereof being deemed expressed by each individual competitor as a result of registering in the competition on the official website.  


IV.3.1. There are two types of participation fee, for individual and corporate competitors.

  1. July 29th-August 28th 2024: RON 90/person (individual), RON 120/team (FunSkyRun) and RON 150+VAT/person (corporate)
  2. August 29th-September 28th 2024: RON 110/person (individual), RON 150/team (FunSkyRun) and RON 170+VAT/person (corporate)
  3. September 29th – November 1st 2024: RON 140/person (individual), RON 180/team (FunSkyRun) and RON 200+VAT/person (corporate)

IV.3.2. The participation fee can be paid:

  1. by bank transfer, to the account of the social enterprise 2BE Group – CUI RO43075210, IBAN RO28RZBR0000060022060211 – Raiffeisen Bank, Campina 
  2. online, by card, to the account of the social enterprise 2BE Group – CUI RO43075210, IBAN RO28RZBR0000060022060211 – Raiffeisen Bank, Campina

IV.3.3. The participation fee cannot be paid on the spot, on the day of the event, and no registrations shall be made on site.


IV.4.1. Each participant in competitive races will receive a competition kit, consisting of:

  1. timing chip
  2. competition number;
  3. official t-shirt;
  4. other products and materials from organizers/partners;
  5. finisher medal.

IV.4.2. Each participant in competitive races will receive a competition kit, consisting of:

  1. competition number;
  2. official t-shirt;
  3. other products and materials from organizers/partners;
  4. finisher medal.


IV.5.1. Competitive races



Boys 14-17 years

Girls 14-17 years

Men 18-29 years

Women 18-29 years

Men 18-29 years

Women 18-29 years

Men 30-39 years

Women 30-39 years

Men 30-39 years

Women30-39 years

Men 40-49 years

Women 40-49 years

Men 40-49 years

Women 40-49 years

Men 50+ years

Women 50+ years

Men 50+ years

Women 50+ years

There will also be a prize awarding ceremony on a consolidated general ranking basis – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for men and women.

If in an age subcategory there are not at least 10 competitors who have completed the race, the organizers may decide to merge it with a lower/higher one.

IV.5.2. Noncompetitive race – FunSkyRun

It is dedicated to kids aged between 7-13 years, participating together with a parent (team of 2 persons – kid+adult). The race start will take place in a dedicated time interval after the competitive races finish and it is not cip-timed (we’ll not make rankings).


IV.6.1. For this competition, an electronic timing system, in push-pull regime, will be used.

IV.6.2. The official start will be given on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 11:00. There will be successive starts every 20 (twenty) seconds, 2 participants at the same time.

IV.6.3. Each participant will be allocated a start time, in the order of competition numbers. All participants will receive the start diagram in due time. Estimated time between the first and last start, for 700 competitors: 2h:15minutes.


  1. Number 1 and number 2 will take the start at 11:00:00;
  2. Number 3 and number 4 will take the start at 11:00:20;
  3. Number 5 and number 6 will take the start at 11:00:40;
  4. and so on.

IV.6.4. During the race, each participant should follow the basic rules of fair play. Any attempt to hook/intimidate opponents will be punished with penalty seconds (between 10 and 80 seconds) or elimination from the competition.

IV.6.5. There will be at least one referee and/or volunteer on every floor. They will supervise the smooth running of the competition and compliance with the regulations.

IV.6.6. If a person fills ill/shows signs of dizziness/any problem, volunteers and technical crews will report to the organization commandment and medical crews as soon as possible.

IV.6.7. After crossing the finish line, competitors will receive the finisher medal and may stay for 15-20 minutes on the 31st floor, where a hydration and energization point will be in place.

IV.6.8. The departure from the 31st floor shall only be done in groups of 6-10 people, with specially provided elevators, and only in the presence of volunteers and technical staff.

IV.6.9. It is strictly forbidden to participate in this event while inebriated or under the influence of any drugs whatsoever. Organizers reserve the right to eliminate from the competition any person who is suspicious and who may endanger the general safety of the event and/or the safety of other participants.

IV.6.10. Organizers are not and shall not be responsible for any event or action having as effect:

  • injury, hitting, harm or deaths of participants during and as a result of the competition;
  • destruction or loss of any property or personal effects of any competitor during and as a result of the competition;
  • prejudices, damages, regardless of their nature, or any material losses, suffered by any competitor during and as a result of the competition;
  • delay or impossibility to sign up for the competition due to technical failures of the official website, beyond the will of the organizers;
  • impossibility to access the competition’s website due to technical reasons, beyond the will of the organizers.

IV.6.11. Considering that organizers only provide the venue of the competition, they do not have and do not assume any responsibility towards competitors and/or towards the beneficiary of the competition, in the sense of competitors paying the participation fee or guaranteeing the collection of a minimum ceiling from the participation fee.

IV.6.12. We’ll have 4 general start intervals: first for individual competitive 18+ years, second for corporate competitive , third for individual competitive 14-17 years and fourth for FunSkyRun.


V.1. Each category and subcategory will receive prizes. Prizes consist of cups, diplomas, products and/or services. Organizers will announce the prizes on the official website. For the avoidance of doubt, the prize awarding criterion regards the skills and perspicacity of competitors, manifested during the competition.


VI.1. Keeping the cleanliness in the Start, Finish areas and on the route is mandatory.

VI.2. Organizers will communicate on the official website, as well as directly, to each participant (e-mail/phone) the internal regulations of order and security. Compliance with such is mandatory. Any deviation, depending on its severity, shall be sanctioned by the organizers with:

  1. warning
  2. penalties consisting of extra seconds
  3. elimination from the competition

VI.3. Manifestations lacking fair play against participants in this sporting event are prohibited. If found, these shall be sanctioned according to Art. VI.2. 

VI.4. These Regulations may be subject to changes, updates. These shall be announced on the official page of the event and/or on the other communication channels: facebook, instagram, newsletter.

VI.5. As a result of signing up for the competition on the official website, each of the competitors expressly and unequivocally agrees to the processing by the organizers of their personal data. Organizers guarantee the confidentiality of these data and reserve the right to use such data only for the purpose of carrying out activities related to the competition.


By this event, all participants, organizers and partners have in mind two objectives: 

  1. sportsmanship (a competition in which fair play and cheerfulness prevail)
  2. meeting the objectives of the social causes – raising funds for the causes of the event
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